Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Search for...

In the pursuit of happiness, one searches for ultimate meaning in that which they love. Religion, politics, theoretics, philosophy, art, sport, the list goes on and on. To look back, one reflects on actions taken. Nostalgia flairs, the hairs of the nose recall scents, sights and colors forgotten suddenly burst to life in the sub-conscious human being. To recollect, to aid, one constructs means to remember.

 Cave paintings, symbols, letters, language, story telling, the oracles of history craft new ways to weave their webs. Art, photography, film, video, recording; the record keepers are always kept busy. To film is to record photos upon photos within a second, compounded upon minutes, upon hours, until the film collection, the film chronology, amasses in the billions of hours. FPS, as they call it.

Space Jam [Film]. (1996). Retrieved from

They who are the oracles of film, of cinema, aid the human in its task to recollect, to look upon, to reflect, to move forward, or backwards, or nowhere. To recreate history in the way IT wants. To establish a base to latch the soul upon. Film is the marvel of the world, to all it grants the capabilities to create memories as they see fit. “Walking up to it was humbling, just another triumph of human ingenuitythe crowds would say, approaching the theater at its conception, ignorant of the role IT would play in the crowds of then to the world of now.

1 comment:

  1. I read the Blog post titled “Textelcine”. After reading this post my first initial reaction was confusion. I was unaware at the direction in which the author was trying to go. As well as what the main purpose of the post was. After further examination and reading of the blog I was able to identify that the writers blog is mainly about cinema. I enjoyed the concept of the first part of the blog post, involving the memories and nostalgia. I also enjoyed the last part where the writer went into talking about movies. However I think that the second paragraph should be reformatted and amped up a little in order to connect the two main points of the blog post.
    As for the picture and video, I feel that they both tied into the post and the author’s main point. In order to demonstrate nostalgia the blog poster used a clip from the movie Memento. This ties in well because it refers to the memories mentioned and is presented in film, which is one of the main points in the post. The picture of Space Jam works too because it is pertaining to a movie.
    In my opinion, cinema is all about creativeness, and I think this particular blog can use a bit more of that in terms of appearance. Movies and film are flashy, there is a lot of lights and cameras and color which I think the author could really incorporate well into their blog. Another option would be to go the old fashioned black and white route, which I also think would go well with the authors posts. I would change the background of the blog as well as the color scheme in order to better reflect the overall theme of cinema. As previously mentioned I would also add a paragraph into the blog post that better relates the two things mentioned in the blog post. I was intrigued to read this blog and look forward to seeing where it will take off to in the future.
